Category Archives: News

Atlantian Fall University Cancelled

Due to Florence, the approaching hurricane, the site for Fall University has cancelled all rental use so that the space can be used for evacuations. So, the event has been cancelled. The next University is February 2nd at Louisa County … Continue reading

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Summer 2018 News

Pennsic 47 is next week. We hope to see you there. We’ll be fighting in many of the C&T events as well as the war points. Llwyd will be recognized as a Master of Defense (the SCA peerage for fencing) … Continue reading

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Two new videos posted

We just posted two new videos to the YouTube channel. The first is about 3 new books that are facsimiles or translations of the Getty manual (links to purchase can be found here.) The second video discusses 3 ways to … Continue reading

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New Posts

We’ve added a couple of new posts to the Learn Fiore site: Learning Fiore: An essay with ideas on learning Fiore’s system Our Goals: A description of our team’s goals with our studies. We’re also internally discussing new videos and … Continue reading

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Atlantian Kingdom A&S Festival

Atlantia’s Kingdom A&S Festival is coming up on March 3, 2018 and we’ll be there. Llwyd will have a display table showing his work with the study group. Also, there will be two 30 minute demonstrations on the performance stage … Continue reading

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New Pages and Flashcards!

We’ve just added new photo pages for Fiore’s Sword in Armor and Dagger Postas. We’ve also updated the previous set of Longsword Posta flashcards and added a set of Sword in Armor and Dagger Posta flashcards. We’ve even added a new Glossary! Dec 3 update – Pictures added to … Continue reading

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RSS and FAQ, oh my!

To make this site more useful, we’ve added two new features. First, we’ve started a page for frequently asked questions that we’ll add to as we go along. Second, we’ve added support for really simple syndication (RSS), which is a way to … Continue reading

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Fiore Returns to Atlantian University

We will once again be running a 4-hour Fiore track at Atlantian University on September 16, 2017. We have reworked and significantly updated all of the classes and will be exploring lots and lots of new plays. So the classes … Continue reading

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New Videos added to our YouTube channel

A couple of weeks ago we got together and shot videos of ten of Fiore’s Dagger plays. Since then, we’ve been editing away. The introduction and the first five play videos have now been posted. The second group will follow … Continue reading

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Fiore facsimile released

Guy Windor has released a high-quality hardback facsimile of the Getty version of Fiore’s book for $30. You can get yourself a copy here.

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