Llwyd has spent the last year doing ad hoc classes at practices and events around Atlantia. He recently shot some video with his son covering the first quarter of Fiore’s dagger plays. This video will be used for a class at Atlantia’s February 3-4, 2024 University event. This University is online and open to anyone but preregistration is required. The class will be recorded. The footage will also be edited to make a couple of more formal videos for YouTube. Stay tuned for both the posting of the videos and the opening of Universitity registration. Both versions of the classes will show the plates, the translated text, discuss what the instructions for the play are and then show a video of Llwyd’s take on the actions. In one case, we’ll work through a couple of different takes and why the first few tries are probably not what the master intended.
Llwyd is also intending to have a display table at Atlantia’s March 2, 2024 Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival (KASF) discussing his Fiore studies. Please come by and chat if you’re at the event. KASF will be in the Barony of Tir-y-Don which is in Newport News, Virginia.