Fiore at June University

Due to several requests, Llwyd will be teaching a class called “Introduction to Italian Longsword” at Atlantia’s University on June 11. The event and the class are free.

Here are PDF slides showing plate and translation for the plays taught.

If you’d like videos of my take on the plays, see the post below; the previous class covered the same plays with slightly different text on the slides. Please also explore the articles and flash cards here as well as the wide selection of videos on our YouTube page.

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Italian Longsword Plays at Atlantian University

Llwyd will be teaching a class on fun plays from Fiore’s Longsword that can (mostly) be used in SCA combat. It will take place online at Atlantia’s February University on Saturday, February 5, 2022. Pre-registration by midnight, Feb 2, is required.

Content-wise, we will cover the same plays that were worked on during the in-person class at Holiday Faire in November. But since this is online, we’ll look at the plates and translation, discuss what they mean, and then (for most plays) watch a video of me doing my take on the play.

Slides from the class are available here:

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Fiore at Holiday Faire

Llwyd will teaching a short class on Italian Longsword for SCA Combat at the November 20, 2021 Holiday Faire event. The class is free to paid event attendees and will take place at 2:30pm. The class description is:

Basics of Fiore’s longsword techniques with some sample plays from the longsword, sword in one hand, and sword in armor sections of his 1409 manual. Focus will be on plays that are legal for SCA rulesets. No armor required, loaner waster swords will be available.

Documentation on the plays demonstrated (plates, translated text, and optional video) is available at the links below:

Related, earlier video playlists

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Largo Two-Handed Sword class

Llwyd will be presenting a class at Atlantian University on June 12, 2021 on The Largo (long range) sword with two hands sections of Fiore’s manual (Getty pg 25r-27v).

Here are various versions of the presentation

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Fiore Virtual Book Club

Since we’re mostly stuck at home and cannot practice or study in-person, we’ve decided to start an online book club to read and discuss Fiore. We started with the longsword sections (sword in one hand, sword in two hands, sword vs armor) with primary interest on the art itself and secondary interest in application to SCA combat forms. For more information see our Facebook page for the book club at

For people unable to get a book in time for the club, I have made slides for the meetings. The slides are just close crops of the plates from the Getty museum’s own scans plus Hatcher’s translation for the text, my highlighting of the move instructions in the text, and a few pictures of our group doing a particular play or two.

Meetings are at 7pm Eastern US Time every other Sunday evening

We’ve now completed our full pass through the Getty manuscript and are no longer meeting. At some point in the future we may repeat all or part of the book club if there is interest. Let us know.

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Fiore’s Halfswording Class

Llwyd will be teaching a class titled “Fiore’s Sword in Armor – Halfswording for fun and profit” on February 13, 2021 at 11am during Atlantia’s Winter University online event. As with the sword-in-one-hand class at last University, the plates and translated text will be presented, discussed and then short videos of Llwyd’s interpretations of the plays will be shown. The class is free but advanced registration through the University website is required.

We had some recording-toggle issues with a few of the videos for the presentation, but did get 6 videos that are representative of the 16 plates in the section. Including even short 5-second clips makes the files fairly large, so I had to break the file with video into three parts. A PDF file with no video is also linked below and is much smaller.

Hybrid/Bastard Cross Position
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Sword in One Hand Class

Llwyd will be teaching a class on Fiore’s Sword in One Hand section. The class will be online at Atlantia’s Kingdom University at 10am on Saturday September 12, 2020. The class will show each plate from that section of the manual and the English translation of the text. We’ll discuss what is being shown and described and then watch a 5-ish second pre-recorded video of Llwyd’s interpretation of the play. We would very much prefer to be doing this interactively in person, but hope this approach will simulate an in-person class as well as can be done virtually.

Llwyd is also doing a practice run of the class to try out the sharing platform and to get feedback on his draft slides and videos. That practice will be Tir-y-Don’s A&S class for the week on August 27 at 7pm. The draft slides for the class can be downloaded from these links:

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Virtual Pennsic University

With the SCA’s largest annual gathering, Pennsic, canceled for 2020 due to Covid-19, various virtual partial replacements are being set up.

Pennsic University is being virtualized as a temporary YouTube channel that people can submit videos to. We have submitted a merged version of our Applying Fiore to SCA Combat videos (our group’s channel has it in two parts, VPU will have it in one part). There should be lots and lots of other cool classes on all areas of interest to the SCA. You can find VPU on YouTube here.

If you’ve found us via VPU, welcome!! Please look around, there are lots of articles and pictures here as well as a lot more videos on Fiore on our own YouTube channel.

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New Videos on Fiore Fundamentals Posted!

It has been a while, but we just posted 4 new videos to our YouTube channel. Due to stay-at-home orders from the Covid-19 virus, Llwyd shot and presented these videos alone. And since he didn’t have anyone to spar with, he chose to focus the videos on fundamentals. So, there are videos on holding your sword, what a sword’s “true” and “false” edges mean, and terminology for range, cuts, and footwork. A playlist with the new videos can be found here. Please excuse some of the minor camera issues.

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Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2020!

We’ve had a number of events happen in the lives of our members that have, temporarily, slowed down our work. But we’re still here: still reading, experimenting, and learning. We hope to return to teaching and videoing shortly. Our recent Fiore work has focused on his longsword plays. Here’s a picture of our silly variant of the 6th Student Play within the Zogo Stretto (close range) longsword section. We’ve replaced the master’s sword with a selfie camera in order to rub in the effect of the bind. This seems very on-brand for Fiore.

We replaced the Master’s sword with a selfie camera
Combat with Sword; Fiore Furlan dei Liberi da Premariacco, Ms. Ludwig XV 13, fol. 28v

Stay tuned for more Fiore in the new year!

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