Llwyd will be teaching a class on Fiore’s Sword in One Hand section. The class will be online at Atlantia’s Kingdom University at 10am on Saturday September 12, 2020. The class will show each plate from that section of the manual and the English translation of the text. We’ll discuss what is being shown and described and then watch a 5-ish second pre-recorded video of Llwyd’s interpretation of the play. We would very much prefer to be doing this interactively in person, but hope this approach will simulate an in-person class as well as can be done virtually.
Llwyd is also doing a practice run of the class to try out the sharing platform and to get feedback on his draft slides and videos. That practice will be Tir-y-Don’s A&S class for the week on August 27 at 7pm. The draft slides for the class can be downloaded from these links: